
On October 27, 2021, the members of BeLEARN founded the BeLEARN Association with its headquarters in Bern. We are excited about this milestone.


The association is entrusted with the implementation of the strategic and operational goals of BeLEARN and forms the umbrella for the cooperation of the universities. The five participating universities are the University of Bern, the Bern University of Teacher Education, the Bern University of Applied Sciences, the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne.


BeLEARN is an initiative of the Canton of Bern.


To the organisation chart

To the Jahresbericht 2023

Founding Universities and Educational Institutions

BeLEARN is an initiative of the Canton of Bern and supported by the activities of the following educational institutions:


To achieve its vision, BeLEARN collaborates with the following partners:


Jean-François Ricci, Vice President Board, EPFL

Daniel Steiner, PHBern

Fritz Sager, President Board, University of Bern

Barbara Fontanellaz, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET

Jochen Schellinger, Bern University of Applied Sciences

Jean-Daniel Roth, CEO BeLEARN

Administrative Office

The administrative office is responsible for the operational management of BeLEARN and the Hub. It organises events for the BeLEARN community, provides information about the latest news through its newsletter and social media and supports researchers and start-ups with a wide range of issues. The administrative office also conducts its own projects at various levels of education.

Jean-Daniel Roth


Jean-Daniel Roth
Franz Lam

Scientific collaborator

Franz Lam
Nina Liechti

Scientific collaborator

Portraitfoto Nina Liechti
Livia Hostettler

Project collaborator

Portrait Livia Hostettler
Sarina Grädel

Information Technician and
Vocational Instructor

Portraitfoto Sarina Grädel
Aliah Hachen

Apprentice in mediamatics

Johannes Jud

Project leader

Dr. Tobias Schwörer

Project leader

Portraitfoto Tobias Schwörer


Researchers from the founding universities and associated partners bring the BeLEARN Hub to life, together with the start-ups and administrative office. In their various research projects, they dedicate themselves to the fields of digital skills, digital tools and data science for education, always thinking about translation into practice. They network with other BeLEARNers in the Hub and are both active and passive participants in numerous events.


Forscher*innen und Projekte auf einen Blick:
University of Bern, Pädagogische Hochschule Bern, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Eidgenössische Hochschule für Berufsbildung, EPFL


BeLEARN offers co-working spaces in the Hub for start-ups in the field of digitalisation and education, enabling informal exchange about research. Additionally, the creation of start-ups from research projects is encouraged.

Here we are feature the start-ups and their offerings. 


The “Locomotives” group consists of one operational contact person from each of the five founding universities. They drive the research projects at their respective institutions and coordinate the calls for projects, as well as participating in the further development of BeLEARN.

Jessica Zufferey-Dehler, EPFL

Martin Dobricki, PHBern

Etna Krakenberger, University of Bern

Ioana Gatzka, Berner Fachhochschule

Franz Lam, BeLEARN

Vera Jerjen, SFUVET

Jean-Daniel Roth, CEO BeLEARN (from Sept. 1st, 2024, not in the picture)

Der Beirat im BeLEARN Hub

Advisory Board

The advisory board, consisting of experts from education, science and business, helps BeLEARN to recognise technological and social trends and their impact on the education system at an early stage. It contributes to the broad support and further development of BeLEARN's overall strategy.

Abraham Bernstein, Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich

Alberto Piatti, SUPSI

Barbara Agoba, die Mobiliar
Bianca Gebauer, Swiss Post

Claudio Mirti, AI expert, lecturer, Microsoft

Fritz Sager, President Board BeLEARN

Gerhard Andrey, National Councillor Greens & Co-Founder liip

Hanna Muralt Müller, former Vice Chancellor

Jean-Daniel Roth, CEO BeLEARN 

Marco Weber, Apple Education

Toni Ritz, Educa

BeLEARN focus groups

The focus groups promote innovation at the different levels in the school system. They do this by networking with each other and linking practical ideas and experience with research, as well as by concretely initiating projects using cross-institutional synergies. Their members come from different levels of education and economic sectors. BeLEARN passes on concerns from everyday education to research and promotes translation.

Impulsgruppe Berufsbildung

Vocational education

Bruno Schumacher, Swiss Post

Rolf Felser, SFUVET

Martin Frieden, gibb

Ben Hüter, Chairman of focus group

Marc Marthaler, Swisscom

Tanja Käser, EPFL

Ernst Hegg, SBB

Franz Lam, BeLEARN

Matthias Zurbuchen, Technische Fachschule Bern

Not in the photo

Georg Berger, BBZ Olten

Peter Egger , Retired publisher

Simone Grossenbacher, Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt Kanton Bern

Serge Imboden, HES-SO

Primary and middle schools

Lea de Zordo, PHBern

Beat Schwendimann, LCH

Jean-Daniel Roth, CEO BeLEARN

Stephanie Burton Monney, HEP BEJUNE

Florian Hasler, PHBern

Thierry Schluchter, PHBern

Franziska Templer, PHBern

Roman Brügger, EdTech Collider

Livia Hostettler, BeLEARN

Daniel WildhaberChairman of focus group, Grand Council of Bern (SP)