
As a researcher at a BeLEARN founding university, do you have an innovative project idea that you would like to implement together with a cooperation partner? BeLEARN supports innovative cooperation projects in the field of digitalization and education with its Booster Fund.


Next Call of Projects: September 20, 2025

Condition préalable

All researchers from the founding universities are eligible to apply, under the condition that they work together with at least one other project partner. Project partners can be other universities or education institutions, start-ups or companies. All cooperation partners must make a significant contribution to the success of the project.


A maximum of CHF 10,000 per applicant partner can be applied for. Accordingly, the maximum funding for collaboration projects involving two partners is CHF 20,000, for projects involving three partners CHF 30,000 and so on.


The submission deadline is September 20th. Funding applications received after this deadline cannot be considered. You will receive feedback no later than 30 days after the submission deadline on whether your project will be funded.

Déposer une demande de financement Booster

Étape 1

Before submitting your application, coordinate your project idea with the locomotive of your BeLEARN founding university. You will find the contact details of the locomotives further down on this page in the “Contact” section.

Étape 2

Complete the application form and submit it by the submission deadline.

Étape 3

The BeLEARN office checks the applications for completeness. The funding decision is made by the Board and will be communicated by the BeLEARN office.

Étape 4

The BeLEARN office will inform you about the decision of the Board. If the decision is positive, the funding will then be transferred.

Étape 5

No later than one month after project completion, submit a final report with an accounting appendix to the BeLEARN office ( Please use the corresponding form and send it in PDF format. Please note that the report (without appendix) will be published on the BeLEARN website.


Pour toute autre question, n’hésitez pas à vous adresser au bureau BeLEARN ou aux Locomotives de votre haute école.

Bureau BeLEARN

Université de Berne

Etna Krakenberger,

PHBern – Künstliche Intelligenz [Intelligence artificielle]

Martin Dobricki,


Ioana Gatzka,


Jessica Dehler,


Carmen Baumeler,