Multicultural Interactive Integration Using Social Agents (MI2US)

Promoting children integration in multicultural school environments through artificial social agents.


The MI2US project aims to deliver validated activities using artificial agents such as virtual avatars and social robots to foster the integration and interaction of children from multicultural and different backgrounds in school environments. By doing so, we expect young students to go from more individualistic feelings and sense of belonging (ME, in this case II, as represented in the project title) to US, with more plural and collective mindsets. As secondary effects, improvements in their school performance are expected to be noticed and verified. The activities have a primary focus on language learning in French and German, especially of children with a migration background.

(Zwischen-) Ergebnisse und Infos zum Projektstand

We are about to start the mapping of current activities that teachers are using to integrate multicultural backgrounds. After this report, we will perform Participatory Design with interested institutions, using this data as our input and having initial validated activities with social agents as the output.


Participants› social indicators (such as their self-reported feeling of belonging, the number of new friends, empathy for their peers, psychological ownership rating of local culture, etc.) as well as their school performance will be analysed to better understand the effects of our proposed methodology.


Beteiligte Personen

Beteiligte Institutionen