Virtual Reality in Construction VET: Impact on Creativity and Motivation

SFUVET collaborates with VET stakeholders to develop immersive training, generate insights for future research, and contribute to the digitization of education.


Fostering creativity in vocational education and training is essential for developing critical skills and achieving success in a variety of professions and industries. Creativity fosters confidence, problem-solving skills, and active engagement with learning materials, leading to innovative problem-solving approaches and improved problem-solving abilities.


The growing popularity of Virtual Reality (VR) in education is due to its interactivity, immersion, and presence. However, there is a lack of research on the extent to which immersive virtual reality (IVR) can enhance creativity in vocational education and training (VET).


This research project investigates the impact of IVR on motivation, creativity, and design outcomes in VET. Specifically, it examines the application of GardenVR, a VR tool designed for garden design. The effectiveness of IVR compared to desktop VR and the role of immersion in GardenVR will be evaluated for the first time.


Data collection for the study has been successfully completed. The evaluation includes several measures, like situational motivation, presence in the immersive environment, creativity in divergent thinking, garden design, and the design process of architectural drafting students. The results of this study have significant implications for the integration of immersive technology in the classroom to enhance procedural learning, motivation, and creative thinking.


Project link:

Virtual Reality in der Berufsbildung und ihre Auswirkungen auf Kognition, Emotion und Verhalten | Eidgenössische Hochschule für Berufsbildung EHB



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