BeLEARN Projets

Dans notre galerie, vous trouverez des projets de recherche et des projets pratiques réalisés dans le cadre de BeLEARN, ainsi que des projets financés par Booster BeLEARN.


Les projets sont toujours décrits dans la langue utilisée par les chercheur·euse·s à l’heure de leur soumission.

Conversational AI-Driven Coach

Comparing Tutor vs. Socratic LLM-driven dialogue strategies to quantify engagement, goal attainment, and long-term learning in diverse cohorts.

The Digital Training Companion

Monitoring and evaluation for empowering teacher trainers and teachers in aquisition and transfer of digital competences.

Young doctors using VR glasses with controllers in clinic
Virtual reality in Nursing and Medical Informatics Education

The project implements an immersive VR tool centered around a nursing shift handover in two different fields, medical informatics and nursing.

The Beauty and the Machine, joining aesthetics and robotics in education – 2

We are investigating the interplay between aesthetics and robotics to enhance motivation and skills in digital education.


An AI-powered debate partner to enhance critical thinking with scalable and personalized learning experiences.

Machine Learning-Based Feedback Support for Blended Learning in Medical Studies

Blended Learning is used to prepare medical students for real-life situations, and for effective learning, students and teachers need detailed feedback.

Sustain-a-Bite Bistro

Sustain-a-Bite Bistro: A gamified VR experience to foster the development of transversal skills and mastering sustainable food choices

Mapping of Teachers’ AI-related Competences in Vocational Education

In this project, researchers from the FFHS and SFUVET aim to assess the current status quo of AI competences among teachers in vocational education.

360 degree virtual reality neon interface on blue background 3D rendering
360° VR video vignettes in science education for (pre-service-) teacher training

360° virtual reality video vignettes in science education for teacher training with a focus on students’ conceptions and gender aspects.


Wie kann KI bei der Sichtbarmachung von Imaginationen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden? Antworten auf diese Frage wollen wir in diesem Projekt finden.

Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen

In der Pflegeausbildung wird ein VR-Tool zum Erlernen digitaler Kompetenzen getestet und die dafür in Spitälern gemachten Beobachtungen weiter analysiert.

KI-Kompetenzen für die Hochschullehre

Ein effektiver Einsatz von generativer KI in der Bildung benötigt Schlüsselfähigkeiten: In diesem Projekt erarbeiten wir die benötigten Kompetenzen.